Michelin Star Dinner & Winery Tour for two
- 4-Course Dinner with 3 Glass of Ceraudo Wine for two at Dattilo Restaurant for two
- Visit the Cellar for two
Try this gourmet experience for wine lovers at Dattilo Relais & Restaurant! Starting with a visit to the bodega and ending in the Dattilo restaurant, with Chef Caterina Ceraudo, who gets a Michelin star in Crotone first and foremost the Green Star Michelin. Here you will be able to try a tasty menu perfectly cooked with Ceraudo wines.
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Subject to hotel availability. Booking is required in advance by phone or email, after the purchase of this voucher. Contact details will be provided in the confirmation email.
Please present your voucher upon arrival at the hotel.
O presente documento é considerado um 'Voucher Multipurpose' de acordo com a resolução 18094 de 28 de dezembro de 2018, da Direção Geral de Impostos, referente ao tratamento de vales no Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado. (BOE) Nº 315, Seção I, Página 130959-130964. Pode ser utilizado para a experiência especificada neste voucher ou para qualquer outra de igual valor. Se você quiser mudar esta experiência, por favor, envie-nos um e-mail para info@hoteltreats.com.
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