Fill Your Hotel With Local Residents

So very often we see fabulous hotels create amazing spaces and experiences for guests only to see them underused. Truth is tourists who visit your city for a few days only prefer to venture out and discover what it has to offer, instead of discovering what the hotel does. Which often means your hotel restaurants, bars, spa and pool end up being money pits, instead of the money machines they should be.
Luckily, there is a simple remedy. There are literally millions of people who would love to experience what you have created - and they live right on your doorstep. Local residents already know what your city has to offer. But they are very curious about what is hidden behind your door. When you open it wider, they will come.
This has proven to be a brilliantly successful strategy for several of our clients, especially useful for generating revenue during the pandemic. We helped brands such as Fairmont, St. Regis & Le Meridien generate significant proceeds by enabling them to sell stays, gift vouchers and experiences even while the hotels were closed.
Let us show you how to easily achieve the same results at your hotel. If it works for others, can you afford not to try?
Find out more about us here and request a demo today.
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