Gast (nicht überprüft) · 01 Okt., 2021

Wedding anniversary gift ideas and why paper, wood, and tin won't cut it anymore

Wedding anniversary gift ideas

The first wedding anniversary gift should be paper, the fifth wood, the tenth tin, right? It's a very nifty little anniversary gift ideas generator, brought to life by our forefathers, who were just as clueless about what gifts to buy as we are! 

Truth is, it's very difficult to come up with innovative wedding anniversary gift ideas for loved ones' year on year. Sure, ladies will always appreciate jewellery, purses or perfume, but these get quite repetitive after a few years. And the men? The trouble with them is they typically manage to buy all the gadgets they want for themselves before their partners get a chance to act on them. Plus, the gadgets nowadays come in so many variants, it's a disaster waiting to happen - there's nothing worse than getting the wrong version of the sports watch you’ve been dreaming of.

So why don't we get back to basics? Anniversaries are supposed to transport us in time to the happiest moments of our lives. The times of togetherness, when we were the only people who matter in the world. 

We strongly believe anniversary gifts should reflect this. They should bring back the magic, help us reconnect and re-live the experience.

So, next time you are looking for a wedding anniversary gift idea, instead of yet another handbag or gadget, why don't aim for an experience you can enjoy together? A romantic getaway to a plush hotel for just the two of you. Or a hotel day pass to the most luxurious place in your area? Space and time where again you will be the most important people in the world and can create new memories to cherish in the future.